IV8888 Range Day 2021 – May 2020 Make-up Edition

IV8888 Range Day 2021 – May 2020 Make-up Edition

IV8888 Range Day May 2021 – 2020 Make-up Edition

Most everyone that likes guns and has found the Iraq Veteran 8888 channel. It is one of the largest and most heavily subscribed in the gun category on YouTube. Eric, the guy behind the IV8888 brand, has put on a big “Firearms Media Event” in Georgia for years where he invites a variety of brands to come to a shooting range and show off their latest and greatest goodies for the weekend. He then invites all of the best firearms media outlets some cover the event. We have been fortunate to attend the event many times and were quite upset when the 2020 IV8888 Range Day was postponed due to Covid restrictions. Fortunately, they were able to reschedule for May 21-23, 2021 at one of our favorite venues, Red Hill Range in Martin, Georgia.

Representing Gear Report this time was Toby from the Firearms team, our Hunting Editor Caleb, Ruben from the HMMWV team and Damage Control Customs and our Chief Gear Head Jeff.

We will add new videos to the list below as we edit and publish them.


Caleb Interviews Jordan Stein of Gun Owners of America

Let’s go for a quick ride in Mastercraft, the flagship HMMWV from Damage Control Customs


Pictures from IV8888 Range Day May 2021

Click each picture for a larger, clearer version.

via Gear Report at https://gear-report.com

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