PBD Ultralight Zippered Food Bags Review

PBD Ultralight Zippered Food Bags Review

PBD Ultralight Food Bags – Review

PBD Ultralight Food Bags review

Gears Rating

4 out of 5 Gears

The PBD Ultralight collection of DCF zippered Food bags changes the game on food bags. Normally top stuffing and either closed by a drawstring or a roll top. Adding a side waterproof zipper is an interesting twist on the idea. Now the food or other items contained within are easily extracted rather than having to more or less dump everything out to get what’s stashed in the bottom.

PBD Ultralight Food Bags review

Where To Buy

PBD Ultralight or you might find something used on eBay.

First Impressions

When I first put my hands on the food bags I felt that they were pretty standard to the other bricks in my arsenal. Although larger and more spacious they were still just bricks. The DCF makes them lighter and the waterproof zipper is a nice touch. The first thing that I loaded into each one was repacked dehydrated meals. Mountain House, Wild Zora, and the like.

The Large fit more than a week’s worth of dehydrated meals.  The medium stashed a solid weekend’s worth and the small ended up quickly becoming my repair and first aid kit. The large will easily store a full-size winter quilt and the medium a smaller summer quilt.

As a food bag, they work really well. Coming back from a trip something sticky opened up inside of my food bag. Whatever it was stayed inside the bag and did not get all over the rest of my gear. If I had been using one of my other bags the entire contents of my backpacking gear would have ended up a sticky mess. As for waterproofness the bags have endured solid rain and driving wind while strung up as bear bags and the contents stayed dry.

PBD Ultralight Food Bags review PBD Ultralight Food Bags

PBD Ultralight Food Bags Specs

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • DCF – 0.51 – 1.43
  • Colors – Green, Grey, Blue, and White

PBD Ultralight Food Bags review


  • Lightweight
  • Highly water-resistant
  • Square shape fits nicely in the pack


  • Longterm durability (standard question with DCF)

PBD Ultralight Food Bags review

PBD Ultralight Food Bags Thoughts

The PBD Ultralight food bags make great food bags, quilt bricks, ditty bags, and the like. They are reasonably priced in a crowded brick market.

via Gear Report at https://gear-report.com

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